The Importance of Exit Navigation: Don’t Leave Your Readers Hanging!


Are you tired of losing your readers just when they are about to take the next step? Do you often find yourself wondering why your bounce rate is so high? Well, have you considered the importance of exit navigation. It may not be as glamorous as a stunning design or eye-catching content, but it’s an essential element for keeping your audience engaged and on your website. In this post, we’ll explore what exit navigation is and how it can make all the difference in retaining visitors to your site. So don’t leave your readers hanging any longer – let’s delve into the world of exit navigation!

What is exit navigation?

When you’re writing a blog article, it’s important to include exit navigation so your readers know what to do next. Exit navigation is simply a way of guiding your readers to where they can go next, whether it’s another article on your blog or website, or somewhere else entirely.

There are a few different ways you can provide exit navigation for your readers. One is to include links at the end of your article that point to related content. This could be other articles on your site that would be of interest to your reader, or even external resources if you think they would be helpful.

Another way to provide exit navigation is through a call-to-action (CTA). A CTA is typically a button or link that encourages the reader to take some kind of action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a free e-book. Including a CTA at the end of your article ensures that your readers know what they can do next and gives them an easy way to take action.

Exit navigation is an important part of any blog article; without it, your readers may not know where to go next or what to do with the information they just read. By including links and calls-to-action, you can help guide them along their journey and ensure that they get the most out of your content.

Why is exit navigation important?

The importance of exit navigation has to do with the fact that it helps readers know what to do next, and where to go for more information. If your blog article doesn’t have any clear exit navigation, readers may get lost or confused about what to do next.

Exit navigation can be as simple as a few links at the end of your article that point to related content or resources. Or, it could be a more complex system that includes a call-to-action and a series of steps for the reader to take. Either way, exit navigation is an important part of keeping your readers engaged and ensuring they don’t get lost on their journey through your content.

How to improve exit navigation on your website

Exit navigation is just as important as entry navigation, if not more so. Here are some tips to improve exit navigation on your website:

1. Make it easy for users to find the exit button or link. The exit button should be prominently displayed and easily accessible.

2. Use a consistent exit button or icon throughout your site. This will help users know where to click or tap to leave your site.

3. Use an intuitive exit message. The message should clearly indicate that the user is leaving your site, and should be easy to understand.

4. Offer a variety of exit options. Include links to other websites, social media platforms, or even downloadable content such as PDFs or ebooks.

5. Make sure the page the user is being redirected to loads quickly. No one wants to wait around for a slow page to load, so make sure the destination page is optimized for speed.

The benefits of exit navigation

Exit navigation is beneficial for a few reasons. First, it allows the reader to leave your site on their own terms. Second, it gives you an opportunity to keep them engaged with your brand after they’ve left your site. And third, it can help increase your website’s conversion rate by providing a way for readers to come back to your site and convert into customers or subscribers.

When designing your exit navigation, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure the call-to-action (CTA) is clear and visible. Second, give visitors a way to share your content with others. And third, make sure the CTA is relevant to the page they’re on so they’re more likely to take action.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your exit navigation is effective and helps you achieve your business goals.

Exit navigation best practices

Exit navigation is one of the most important aspects of a website or blog, yet it is often overlooked. When designing your site, be sure to include prominent and easily visible exit links so that your readers can easily find their way back to your content.

Someexit navigation best practices to keep in mind include:
– Use clear and concise labels for your exit links, such as “back to home” or “previous page.”
– Place exit links prominently on the page, such as in the header or footer.
– Make sure exit links are easy to spot by using contrasting colors or font sizes.
– Avoid using pop-ups or other intrusive elements that could block the exit link.

By following these simple best practices, you can ensure that your readers always have a way to navigate back to your content.


The importance of exit navigation cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to digital content. By implementing simple techniques such as good call-to-action buttons and links, you can make sure that your readers don’t feel like they are being left hanging and have a clear path to more of your great content. This will encourage them to keep exploring your website, which means more views and ultimately a higher chance at converting visitors into customers or subscribers. So take the time and effort now to improve your exit navigation strategy in order to reap the rewards later!

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